onsdag den 4. juni 2008

Burn Folk Remedies

Natural Burn Remedies
Early settlers cooked over open fires or at the fireplaces that also provided their heat. I’m sure with all these open flames there were lots of burns.

As painful as burns are, I can imagine people rubbing whatever they had on them to try to stop the pain. Here are a few natural remedies they came up with.

Aloe Vera natural burn remedyAloe Vera

One of the most common natural burn remedies is probably Aloe. Many of us still use it today and it does work rather well. The burned area is just simply covered with the juice from the Aloe Vera plant.


For a minor burn milk was used, either by soaking the burned area in a bowl of milk or applying a cloth soaked in milk. This method could be repeated until the pain ceased. I have used this method myself, it does work and the burn didn’t even blister.

Honey burn remedyHoney

Honey was another item used, the honey would be applied to the burn and then covered with a clean cloth. Honey is also known for it’s anti-bacterial properties, so it aided in faster healing of the burn.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar seems to almost be a cure all, it was often used on burns to. It will stop the pain and even help keep the burn from blistering and scarring.

Egg Whites

Egg whites were often used to treat burns. Remove the yellow and use only the whites. Apply to the burned area like a salve or you can put egg whites in a bowl and soak the burned area. This treatment will not only ease the pain, but it will also help speed the Witch Hazel burn remedyhealing and reduce the severity of scarring.

Witch Hazel

Witch Hazel is good for minor burns. Apply fresh Witch Hazel or Witch Hazel oil to the burn and it will give relief from the pain.


Plantain leaves have natural anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Crush fresh leaves and apply the juice to the burn to help relieve the pain and speed the healing process.

Diarrhea Folk Remedies

Diarrhea is actually a natural defense mechanism. It is a way for your body to release toxins or other harmful things from your system. In the past, before this was understood, doctors usually prescribed antidiarrheal medication, but today they would recommend that you let it run its course naturally.

Antidiarrheal medication will stop your body from performing it’s own natural defense mechanism and will often lead to a prolonged illness and a weakening of your body’s defenses.

With this in mind we will be looking at natural remedies for diarrhea that will help you to feel more comfortable and to speed up the process naturally. Going this route will make your natural system stronger.


Carrots naturally contain beneficial electrolytes and minerals which are lost during diarrhea. Adults and bigger children may nibble on fresh carrots while infants may be given strained carrots. Carrots will lessen the symptoms and speed up the recovery time.


For children over a year old chicken or beef broth will help them to feel better as well as to keep them hydrated and speed up the recovery time. NOTE: Most broth contains a high sodium content. Read the label and opt for the lowest sodium you can get.

Drink Fluids

Most everyone knows how important it is to drink fluids, but you have to drink the right ones. Fluids with moderate salt and sugar content are best because they will replace essential minerals and glucose that have been lost. Gatorade, or something similar works well.

You may also make your own rehydration solution by adding one teaspoon of sugar and a small pinch of table salt to a quart of water. If you want something that will taste better you may add about 1/2 teaspoon of honey and a small pinch of salt to your favorite fruit juice.

NOTE: Do not give plain water or fruit juices to an infant or small child with diarrhea. To stave off dehydration use a rehydration solution such as Pedialyte.


Believe it or not eating the proper foods is one of the best home remedies for diarrhea. If you do not eat the right types of food your condition may worsen and take longer to run its course.


Dried blueberries and blueberry root has been used as a folk remedy for diarrhea for a very long time. Blueberries contain anthocyanosides which has antioxidant as well as antibacterial properties.

Chamomile Tea

Chamomile is a great herb for treating intestinal problems. While you can get prepackaged chamomile it is recommended that you obtain fresh chamomile flowers. Steep one teaspoon in a cup of boiling water for 15 minutes. (Remove from heat before adding the herb).

Foods and Folk Remedies to Avoid

Some foods and remedies that have been recommended, or marketed, by some actually work to bind up the bowels. This will serve to prolong the condition and at the same time will cause whatever the root problem is to remain within your body for a longer period of time. This means that the so-called remedy is working against your own body.

Foods and remedies to avoid include: carob powder, pectin, bananas, acidophilus tablets, Swiss cheese, barley, and many exotic teas.


Infants, small children, and the elderly who suffer from prolonged diarrhea are at risk of dehydration and should be taken to a doctor. Anyone suffering from diarrhea accompanied with cramping, fever, or rashes should see a doctor.

Itching And Rash Folk Remedies

Itchy skin is definitely one of those things that can drive you mad! And, of course when you itch the first thing you do is scratch, but scratching just irritates the skin even more and too much scratching can lead to an infection.

One of the main causes of itching is dry skin, but it is sometimes caused by rashes, allergies and even some medications that you take. But, no matter what the cause one of these herbal remedies will keep you itch free!

You can help relieve itching and stress at the same time with a nice hot bath! Many things can be added to the water to soothe the skin such as peppermint, a cup of white vinegar or 2 Cinnamon folk remedycups of oatmeal.

Make a fine paste with equal amounts of cinnamon powder and honey and apply to the affected area.

Neem is a great herb for all kinds of skin problems. You can massage neem oil on the skin or boil some neem leaves in a small cooker and then pour it into your bath water.

Tea tree oil is another good solution, apply it with a cotton ball three times a day for quick itch relief.

Witch hazel relieves itching by acting as an astringent, just pour some on a cotton ball and apply.

St Johns Wort folk remediesSt John’s Wort is also a great way to refresh the skin, it’s astringent properties will moisturize a itchy area providing relief.

Aloe Vera skin remedyBy now most all of us know the wonderful affects that Aloe Vera has on the skin. It is best used from the plant leaf, but if you don’t have an Aloe Vera plant, the gel will work fine.

The anti inflammatory, anti-microbial properties found in chamomile essential oil will soothe and heal irritations and itching.

St Johns Wort Folk Remedies

The Many Wonders of St John’s Wort

St Johns Wort Folk RemdiesSt. John’s Wort was introduced to America and now grows wild in many fields and meadows. Indigenous to Europe, this plant produces yellow flowers that are used to make teas and capsules and it has become one of the most purchased herbs in the United States.

It’s first recorded use dates back to ancient Greece, it has since been used by people all over the world. The Native American’s used it as an astringent, anti-inflammatory and as an antiseptic.

In traditional use, St. John’s Wort was hung in baskets over pictures in the house to ward off evil and to rid the body of any evil spirits! In large dosages, this herb is toxic and care should be taken to only use the recommended amount. In some countries a doctor’s prescription is required to obtain this herbal remedy.

The plant was named after John the Baptist by early Christian mystics and was usually collected on St. John’s Day. The plant was soaked in olive oil for several days and used as a blood red anointing oil, called the “blood of Christ”.

St Johns Wort Folk RemdiesToday, the most common use of St. John’s Wort is for sleep disorder, anxiety and mental disorders such as depression.

St. John’s Wort contains excellent antibacterial properties.

The herb has been shown to decrease the craving for alcohol and may be a aide in alcoholism!

Herbalists of ancient times, wrote about it’s sedative effects and as a treatment for malaria.

Written records from 1633, that St. John’s Wort was without equal in the treatment of wounds, burns, bites and even ulcers.

The herbs anti-inflammatory properties,make it effective in treating sprains, strains and contusions.

In laboratory studies, it was found to fight some infections that are even resistant to modern anti-biotics.

Research has suggested that St. John’s Wort may inhibit or even kill the growth of the HIV virus, but it has very serious interactions with some of the other drugs used to treat HIV. According to an early study, this herb may be used to relieve both the emotional and physical symptoms of PMS.

Tests have proven that the use St. John’s Wort has merit in treating hemorrhoids, when applied topically.

A study conducted including over 100 children, showed that St. John’s Wort when combined with other herbs, relieved earache pain as effectively as standard ear drops. Mix these oils, St. John’s Wort, garlic, calendula and mullein flower for an effective earache remedy.

St. John’s Wort has been used to treat muscle problems and to ease the pain of muscle injuries, as well as muscle spasms and cramps.

The bioflavonoids found in St. John’s Wort, make it useful in the treatment of swollen veins.

St. John’s Wort oil can be used topically during pregnancy to help reduce and even prevent stretch marks.

It can help reduce those unsightly varicose veins by massaging the oil onto the affected area.

The ancient Greeks and Romans used St. John’s Wort in the treatment of poisonous reptile bites.

The Roman army surgeon, Dioscorides, gave St. John’s Wort tea as a remedy for cholera.

St. John’s Wort is excellent when used as a blood purifier and cleanser.

Bacterially based boils and tumors can be dissolved and removed with the use of St. John’s Wort.

It has been shown to be useful in the treatment of bladder problems, such as a suppressed flow of urine and urinary tract infections.

The oil can be applied directly to the chest and back to relieve phlegm and it’s even beneficial in the treatment of bronchitis.

The alkaloid properties of St. John’s Wort will stimulate the heart and arteries.

Taken internally in capsule or tablet form, St. John’s Wort may help to alleviate a variety of back pain, including lower back pain.

St. John’s Wort has also been used as an effective treatment for headaches and even migraines.

The burns caused from radiation treatments can be lessened by apply the oil or cream to the area.

Some of the compounds found in St. John’s Wort will inhibit the herpes simplex 1 virus, the virus that caused fever blister and cold sores. It’s use has also been effective in the treatment of other types of herpes viruses.

St. John’s Wort can soothe digestive systems, gastritis and it can even treat diarrhea.

When taken internally St. John’s Wort also has a sedative and pain reducing effect. It will aide in helping you drift off to sleep!

In the future this amazing herb may be used in cancer treatment. Several studies conducted by the National Cancer Institute, found that after one single dose of St. John’s Wort, mice that were infected with the leukemia virus were able to fight off the disease!

Suggested adult dosages:

For mood disorders and mild depression, 300 to 400 mg should be taken three times a day with meals.

If liquid extract is used, take 40 to 60 drops, twice daily.

The dried herb can be taken as a tea, add one or two teaspoons to boiling water, let steep for about ten minutes. Up to two cups can be taken each day for a period of four to six weeks.

St. John’s Wort when used in oil or cream form can be applied to relieve inflammation.

Cold Folk Remedies

In the early part of the 20th century when “modern medicine” was beginning to get into full swing the availability of doctors was still out of reach for many rural folks and they did the best they could with the old home remedies passed down from generation to generation.

The common cold was as big a problem then as it still seems to be today in the 21st century. Here are many of the old remedies that were used to treat the common cold, and many are still in use today.

Boneset plant
One remedy was to make a tea from the leaves of the boneset plant. One had to drink it cold because drinking this tea hot will upset your stomach and possibly cause vomiting.

Another remedy was to take powdered ginger root or freshly grated ginger root and add to hot water, but do not boil. Then one added honey and a little bit of whiskey. (Whiskey, particularly moonshine whiskey, was a common ingredient in many old-time remedies.)

Boiling pine needles to make a strong tea was another particular favorite remedy for colds, as was taking a hot pepper, such as cayenne, and making a tea of the pepper and adding honey and moonshine to it. Eating an onion roasted in ashes was a favored way to treat a child with a cold.

Tea Tree oil and Oregano oil can be rubbed on the chest and back to break up the phlegm and mucous from colds. Tea tree oil can be rubbed on the nose and forehead for head congestion.

Neem Tree tea will help ease the symptoms of cold when drank three times a day and will even help prevent colds when drank regularly and neem oil will dry up cold sores.

Three capsules of garlic taken three times per day will help allivieate cold symptoms. But, any form of this amazing herb will work.

As one can see, the methods were many, and there are far more than this article states. As with all self-treatments, be cautious and always consult a trained physician in serious health matters.

Herbal teas
Here are a few different herbal teas that will help reduce common cold symptoms like congestion, headaches, fever, sore throat and achiness and help you to recover more quickly.

Chrysanthemum and Peppermint Tea:

  • Chrysanthemum - 6 grams
  • Water - 400ml (about 13 1/2 ounces)
  • Peppermint - 3 grams
  • Crystal Sugar - 15 grams

Add the chrysanthemum to the water and bring it to a boil.

Stir in peppermint and sugar and let boil for an additional three minutes.

Drink this tea hot twice a day.


Ginger Tea:

  • Fresh Ginger - 15 grams
  • Water - 200ml (about 6 3/4 ounces)
  • Brown Sugar or Honey - about 2 to 3 teaspoons (to taste)

Shred the ginger and add it to boiling water. Sweeten with the brown sugar or honey to suit your taste. Drink this tea hot twice a day.


Royal Herbal Tea

One cup each (dried):

  • Pennyroyal
  • Catnip
  • Horehound
  • Spearmint
  • Sage
  • Verbena
  • White Yarrow
  • Honey (to taste)
  • Here is an herbal tea that is effective in treating severe cold and flu symptoms. Mix the herbs in boiling water. Remove from heat and cover. Allow the mixture to steep for about ten minutes then strain. Sweeten to taste with honey. Drink one cup of this tea every two or three hours.

    Oil Pulling Folk Remedies

    Oil pulling is a folk remedy that has been practiced in India for thousands of years, and is slowly making a rise amongst natural health enthusiasts in America.

    Little scientific evidence is available for the proof of it’s benefits, but there is user testimony of it’s miraculous abilities to cure or at least alleviate a wide range of ailments.

    Either sesame or sunflower oils should be used and oil pulling should be done in the morning on an empty stomach. One tablespoon is all that is needed, it should be swished around the mouth and pulled through the teeth.

    This process should be done for about twenty minutes, the oil should become thinner and be white as the process continues. This swishing activates enzymes that will draw toxins out of the blood.

    Once the oil has gathered the toxins from the body, the oil itself becomes toxic and should never be swallowed. Spit as much as you can of the oil out of your mouth and thoroughly rinse with water.

    Oil pulling will provide the best and quickest results if it is done on an empty stomach. It can be repeated three times each day to speed up the healing process, but should always be done before meals.

    Oil pulling intensifies the bodies metabolism which leads to a improvement in overall health.

    The oil pulling process will reverse the loosening of teeth, eliminate bleeding gums and provide a very noticeable difference in the whiteness of your teeth. It has also put a stop to sensitive teeth and has shown to even remove plaque and stains!

    Oil pulling will increase your energy levels and aide in healthy digestion of foods, but to get the full effects may take six to eight weeks.

    This process will greatly benefit the skin, it will help prevent acne and give the skin a soft healthy glow. It has even been known to produce a noticeable difference in fine lines and wrinkles!

    Oil pulling is also used in promoting better sleep through the night.

    With the use of oil pulling for around a two month period, arthritis has greatly improved and in some cases completely disappeared.

    Many people using oil pulling have reported as much as a 50% decrease in the amount of gray hair and their hair turning back to their normal youthful color!

    Oil pulling has helped in decreasing and even stopping chronic halitosis, in many instances the decrease in bad breath has been noticed within a few days of using this process.

    Some users have reported a remarkable decrease in sugar cravings, resulting in weight loss!

    Some people using this process have found that it will clear up congestion, coughing and unclog sinus passages.

    Users have also cited a large decrease in hot flashes from menopause, some users even stopped having them altogether after they started oil pulling.

    Oil pulling has even been cited for correcting a out of balance menstrual cycle and regulating them within just a few months of use.

    Varicose veins and the pain associated with them, have decreased for some users of oil pulling.

    Sinus headaches and even migraines have completely disappeared for some users.

    The effects of oil pulling seems to differ by individual as does the amount of time it takes to see noticeable results. The same effects aren’t accomplished in everyone, some have had an increased libido, vanished headaches, faded age spots and relief for many other ailments.

    Oil pulling could prove to be just the solution you need for whatever problems and ailments you’re experiencing. And, since oil pulling doesn’t involve the use of any drugs, it’s a natural remedy that may be worth a try for what ails you

    Insomnia Folk Remedies

    It’s been estimated that in the US alone approximately 32 million people suffer from insomnia. With the stress of today’s fast paced lifestyles, many of us are finding it harder and harder to get enough sleep. But, the problem doesn’t only exist in today’s world, herbal remedies for insomnia date back thousands of years.

    Insomnia may just be an occasional aggravation, but if not taken care of the effects can be detrimental to your health. Not getting enough sleep increases your risk of diabetes, it damages the immune system, your body will become more sensitive to pain, your reflexes become slower and it’s even been linked to memory impairment!

    Valerian Root

    One of the oldest known herbal remedies for insomnia is Valerian Root.
    Valerian Root was recommended by Galen in the second century A.D. Valerian can be used in a liquid or capsule form and even as a tea. Taken 30-60 minutes before going to bed, the recommended dosage is one cup of tea, one capsule of 150-600 milligrams, and if taking it in a liquid form, you should take 1/2 to one teaspoon. A little experimenting and you’ll quickly find the right dosage for your body.


    Proven to be very effective aid against sleeplessness, Chamomile has been used for centuries. A hot cup of Chamomile tea drank about thirty minutes before bedtime may be just what you need for a peaceful nights rest.


    Lavender may be one of the most known sleep aids today, it is commonly used in bath salts and oils for it’s calming effects. The benefits of lavender are aromatic, in oil form it can be applied to your neck or wrists.


    Known for it’s muscle relaxing abilities, kava can help you sleep better. Doses of 150 mg is recommended. However, there have been reports of liver failure from using this herb, consult your doctor before trying this method.

    Passion flower

    Passion flower contains properties that help relieve restlessness, it should be taken in 50 mg dosages. The dosage can be increased until relief is found.

    Grinding four nutmegs to a fine powder and taking before bedtime is said to be an effective aide against insomnia.

    Ginseng is claimed to counter and balance out the effects of stress allowing a peaceful nights sleep.

    Catnip is often used in products to promote sleep and can be taken as a tea before bedtime.

    Jasmine is a mild nerve sedative, a cup of Jasmine tea before bedtime can help you to relax and fall asleep easier.

    Another traditional cure for insomnia is hops, they are known for their sedative and muscle relaxing abilities.

    Lemon balm contains oils that provide a sedative effect and can be taken as a tea to promote sleep.

    Ylang-ylang oil has properties that calm excitability and restlessness making it easier for you to drift off to sleep.

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